linux3[13]% ./Proj5.out Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 1 Enter author: John Smith Enter subject: Thanksgiving Enter recipient: Jane Doe Enter recipient's e-mail address: Enter text body (type END on separate line to stop): This is line 1 This is line 2 END E-mail #10001 entered into documents list. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 2 Enter author: Jack Johnson Enter subject: Project 4 Question Enter recipient: Ms. Mitchell Enter distribution list (type END on separate line to stop): Mr. Bergeron Mr. Frey END Enter text body (type END on separate line to stop): This is line 1 This is line 3 END Memo #10002 entered into documents list. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 3 Enter author: Sally Smart Enter title: End of Semester Party Enter text body (type END on separate line to stop): This is line 1 This is line 2 This is line 4 This is line 5 END Report #10003 entered into documents list. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 4 Enter the document ID: 10003 Document #: 10003 Author: Sally Smart Title: End of Semester Party Contents: This is line 1 This is line 2 This is line 4 This is line 5 Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 5 Document List: Document #: 10001 Author: John Smith Subject: Thanksgiving Recipient: Jane Doe E-mail Address: Document #: 10002 Author: Jack Johnson Subject: Project 4 Question Recipient: Ms. Mitchell Distribution List: Mr. Bergeron Mr. Frey Document #: 10003 Author: Sally Smart Title: End of Semester Party Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 4 Enter the document ID: 99999 Document #99999 not found. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 6 Get search phrase: line 3 10002 Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 6 Get search phrase: A string that will not be found No documents found. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 8 Enter author: Albert Einstein Enter title: Why E != mc2 Enter text body (type END on separate line to stop): It came to me in a drug-induced hallucination. I had no idea what I was talking about. END Technical Report #10004 entered into documents list. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 4 Enter the document ID: 10004 Document #: 10004 Author: Albert Einstein Title: Why E != mc2 Contents: It came to me in a drug-induced hallucination. I had no idea what I was talking about. --No comments yet. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 9 Enter the document ID: 10001 Enter response author: John Park Enter response text body (type END on separate line to stop): I don't remember this email. END Respond failed: non-recipients cannot respond. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 9 Enter the document ID: 10001 Enter response author: Jane Doe Enter response text body (type END on separate line to stop): I still don't remember. END Response #10005 entered into documents list. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 4 Enter the document ID: 10005 Document #: 10005 Author: Jane Doe Subject: Re: Thanksgiving Recipient: John Smith E-mail Address: John Contents: I still don't remember. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 9 Enter the document ID: 10002 Enter response author: Ms. Mitchell Enter response text body (type END on separate line to stop): This is Ms. Mitchell responding to a memo from Jack Johnson The password is "swordfish" END Response #10006 entered into documents list. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 4 Enter the document ID: 10006 Document #: 10006 Author: Ms. Mitchell Subject: Re: Project 4 Question Recipient: Jack Johnson Distribution List: Mr. Bergeron Mr. Frey Contents: This is Ms. Mitchell responding to a memo from Jack Johnson The password is "swordfish" Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 9 Enter the document ID: 10002 Enter response author: Mr. Frey Enter response text body (type END on separate line to stop): I want to chime in, too! The password is "Gefilte fish"? END Response #10007 entered into documents list. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 4 Enter the document ID: 10007 Document #: 10007 Author: Mr. Frey Subject: Re: Project 4 Question Recipient: Jack Johnson Distribution List: Mr. Bergeron Ms. Mitchell Contents: I want to chime in, too! The password is "Gefilte fish"? Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 9 Enter the document ID: 10003 Enter response author: Someone Strange Enter response text body (type END on separate line to stop): I think everyone should avoid this party. END Respond failed: cannot respond to a report. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 9 Enter the document ID: 10004 Enter response author: Niels Bohr Enter response text body (type END on separate line to stop): You don't know what you're talking about. Or you do. END Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 5 Document List: Document #: 10001 Author: John Smith Subject: Thanksgiving Recipient: Jane Doe E-mail Address: Document #: 10002 Author: Jack Johnson Subject: Project 4 Question Recipient: Ms. Mitchell Distribution List: Mr. Bergeron Mr. Frey Document #: 10003 Author: Sally Smart Title: End of Semester Party Document #: 10004 Author: Albert Einstein Title: Why E != mc2 Document #: 10005 Author: Jane Doe Subject: Re: Thanksgiving Recipient: John Smith E-mail Address: John Document #: 10006 Author: Ms. Mitchell Subject: Re: Project 4 Question Recipient: Jack Johnson Distribution List: Mr. Bergeron Mr. Frey Document #: 10007 Author: Mr. Frey Subject: Re: Project 4 Question Recipient: Jack Johnson Distribution List: Mr. Bergeron Ms. Mitchell Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 4 Enter the document ID: 10004 Document #: 10004 Author: Albert Einstein Title: Why E != mc2 Contents: It came to me in a drug-induced hallucination. I had no idea what I was talking about. Comment 1 by Niels Bohr: You don't know what you're talking about. Or you do. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 9 Enter the document ID: 10004 Enter response author: Zippy T. Pinhead Enter response text body (type END on separate line to stop): Are we there yet? END Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 4 Enter the document ID: 10004 Document #: 10004 Author: Albert Einstein Title: Why E != mc2 Contents: It came to me in a drug-induced hallucination. I had no idea what I was talking about. Comment 1 by Niels Bohr: You don't know what you're talking about. Or you do. Comment 2 by Zippy T. Pinhead: Are we there yet? Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 6 Get search phrase: Pinhead No documents found. Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 6 Get search phrase: drug-induced hallucination 10004 Document Storage System Menu 1 - Create and store an e-mail 2 - Create and store a memo 3 - Create and store a report 4 - Display a document 5 - List all documents 6 - Locate documents containing a specific word or phrase 7 - Clear the document collection 8 - Create and store a technical report [NEW] 9 - Respond/reply to a document [NEW] 99 - Quit Enter your choice: 99 Exiting Document Storage System linux3[14]%