#include #include "Complex.h" using namespace std; int main() { int real; int imaginary; cout << "Enter the first complex number : " << endl; cout << "Real Part : "; cin >> real; cout << "Imaginary Part : "; cin >> imaginary; Complex number1(real, imaginary); cout << endl; cout << "Enter the second complex number : " << endl; cout << "Real Part : "; cin >> real; cout << "Imaginary Part : "; cin >> imaginary; Complex number2(real, imaginary); cout << endl; cout << "The Complex numbers you entered are : " << endl; cout << "First number : " << number1 << endl; cout << "Second number : " << number2 << endl; cout << endl; cout << "The negation of first number is : " << -number1 << endl; cout << "The negation of second number is : " << -number2 << endl; cout << "The addition of the two numbers is : " << number1 + number2 << endl; return 0; }