Document Storage System Menu
1. Add an Email
2. Add a Memo
3. Add a Report
4. Print a Document
5. List all Documents
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit
Enter choice: 1

Enter EMAIL Information
Enter author's name: email author
Enter recipient's name: email recipient
Enter subject: email subject
Enter email address:
Enter Text (terminate with END on a separate line): 
this is line 1
this is line 2

this is line 5
Your EMAIL was assigned document ID 10001

Document Storage System Menu
1. Add an Email
2. Add a Memo
3. Add a Report
4. Print a Document
5. List all Documents
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit
Enter choice: 3

Enter REPORT Information
Enter author's name: report author
Enter report title: report title
Enter Text (terminate with END on a separate line):  
line 1 again
this is line2

this is line 4
this is line 5
last line
Your REPORT was assigned document ID 10002

Document Storage System Menu
1. Add an Email
2. Add a Memo
3. Add a Report
4. Print a Document
5. List all Documents
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit
Enter choice: 2

Enter MEMO Information
Enter author's name: memo author
Enter recipient: memo recipient
Enter subject: memo subject
Enter Distribution List
Distribution List (terminate with END on a separate line):
john smit
Enter Text (terminate with END on a separate line): 
this is line 1

this is line 4
last line of memo
Your MEMO was assigned document ID 10003

Document Storage System Menu
1. Add an Email
2. Add a Memo
3. Add a Report
4. Print a Document
5. List all Documents
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit
Enter choice: 5

All Document Info
Document ID: 10001
Author: email author
Creation Date/Time: Wed Nov 05 19:36:16 EST 2008
Recipient: email recipient
Email subject: email subject
Email Address:

Document ID: 10002
Author: report author
Creation Date/Time: Wed Nov 05 19:38:41 EST 2008
Title: report title

Document ID: 10003
Author: memo author
Creation Date/Time: Wed Nov 05 19:39:30 EST 2008
Recipient: memo recipient
Subject: memo subject
Distrubtion List: 
john smith

Document Storage System Menu
1. Add an Email
2. Add a Report
3. Add a Memo
4. Print a Document
5. List all Documents
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit

Enter choice: 4
Enter Document ID: 10002

Document ID: 10002
Author: report author
Creation Date/Time: Wed Nov 05 19:38:41 EST 2008
Title: report title

line 1 again
this is line2

this is line 4
this is line 5
last line

Document Storage System Menu
1. Add an Email
2. Add a Report
3. Add a Memo
4. Print a Document
5. List all Documents
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit

Enter choice: 6
Enter word/phrase to find: this is
"this is" was found in the following documents

Document Storage System Menu
1. Add an Email
2. Add a Report
3. Add a Memo
4. Print a Document
5. List all Documents
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit

Enter choice: 7
Enter Document ID: 10001

Document 10001 was removed

Document Storage System Menu
1. Add an Email
2. Add a Report
3. Add a Memo
4. Print a Document
5. List all Documents
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit

Enter choice: 5

All Document Info
Document ID: 10002
Author: report author
Creation Date/Time: Wed Nov 05 19:38:41 EST 2008
Title: report title

Document ID: 10003
Author: memo author
Creation Date/Time: Wed Nov 05 19:39:30 EST 2008
Recipient: memo recipient
Subject: memo subject
Distrubtion List: 
john smith

Document Storage System Menu
1. Get Info for all Documents
2. Add an Email
3. Add a Report
4. Add a Memo
5. Print a Document
6. Find Word/Phrase
7. Remove a Document
99. Quit
Enter choice: 99