// File: box.C // Final (?) implementation of class Box. #include #include #include #include "box.h" // Initialiize static members // int Box::count = 0 ; int Box::sequence = 0 ; // Default constructor // Box::Box() { #ifndef NDEBUG cerr << "Default Box constructor, this = " << this << endl ; #endif length = 1.0 ; height = 2.0 ; width = 3.0 ; count++ ; sequence++ ; serial_number = sequence ; } // Alternate constructor with parameters for box dimensions // Box::Box(float len, float ht, float wd) : length(len), height(ht), width(wd) // member initializers { #ifndef NDEBUG cerr << "Alternate Box constructor, this = " << this << endl ; #endif count++ ; sequence++ ; serial_number = sequence ; } // Destructor // Box::~Box() { #ifndef NDEBUG cerr << "Box destructor, this = " << this << endl ; #endif count-- ; } // Print out vital stats // void Box::identify() { if (length == 0.0 || height == 0.0 || width == 0.0) { cout << "I am an invisible box. " ; } else { cout << "I am a box with length=" << length << ", height=" << height << " and width=" << width << ". " ; } cout << "Serial Number = " << serial_number << endl ; } // Print out static members // void Box::report() { cout << "\n=== Report:" << endl ; cout << "There are " << count << " boxes in existence." << endl ; cout << "A total of " << sequence << " boxes have been made." << endl ; cout << "===\n" << endl ; } // Compute box volume // float Box::volume() { return length * height * width ; } // Double each dimension // void Box::grow() { length = length * 2 ; height = height * 2 ; width = width * 2 ; } // Halve each dimension // void Box::shrink() { length = length / 2 ; height = height / 2 ; width = width / 2 ; } // Friend function // int compare(Box& A, Box& B) { if (A.length < B.length && A.height < B.height && A.width < B.width) { return -1 ; } if (A.length > B.length && A.height > B.height && A.width > B.width) { return 1 ; } return 0 ; }