UMBC CS 201, Fall 05
UMBC CMSC 201 Fall '05
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/* File: countdown.c
 * Author: Richard Chang
 * Date: pre 1997
 * Modified by: Sue Evans
 * Date: 11/8/05
 * Section: 101
 * EMail:
 * A very simple example of a recursive function.

#include <stdio.h>

void Countdown (int) ;

int main() 
   int n ;

   printf("Engaging the auto-destruct sequence\n") ;
   printf("Enter number of seconds to auto-destruct: ") ;
   scanf("%d", &n) ;
   printf("Counting down from %d\n", n) ;
   Countdown(n) ;

   return 0;

* Function Name: Countdown ()
* Countdown() uses recursion to count down from k to 0
* Inputs:      integer to count down from
* Outputs:     returns nothing
* Side effect: prints to screen the counting down and 
*              "KABOOM!!!"

void Countdown (int k) 
  /* The BASE CASE */
  if (k == 0) 
     printf("KABOOM!!!\n") ;
  /* The GENERAL RULE - recursive case */
     printf("   %d seconds to auto-destruct\n", k) ;
     Countdown (k - 1) ;


linux1[95]% a.out Engaging the auto-destruct sequence Enter number of seconds to auto-destruct: 9 Counting down from 9 9 seconds to auto-destruct 8 seconds to auto-destruct 7 seconds to auto-destruct 6 seconds to auto-destruct 5 seconds to auto-destruct 4 seconds to auto-destruct 3 seconds to auto-destruct 2 seconds to auto-destruct 1 seconds to auto-destruct KABOOM!!! linux1[96]% a.out Engaging the auto-destruct sequence Enter number of seconds to auto-destruct: 17 Counting down from 17 17 seconds to auto-destruct 16 seconds to auto-destruct 15 seconds to auto-destruct 14 seconds to auto-destruct 13 seconds to auto-destruct 12 seconds to auto-destruct 11 seconds to auto-destruct 10 seconds to auto-destruct 9 seconds to auto-destruct 8 seconds to auto-destruct 7 seconds to auto-destruct 6 seconds to auto-destruct 5 seconds to auto-destruct 4 seconds to auto-destruct 3 seconds to auto-destruct 2 seconds to auto-destruct 1 seconds to auto-destruct KABOOM!!! linux1[97]%

CSEE | 201 | 201 F'05 | lectures | news | help

Last Modified - Tuesday, 08-Nov-2005 09:31:12 EST