UMBC CS 201, Fall 05
UMBC CMSC 201 Fall '05
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Coding the linked list functions

The Code

/************************************************\ * Filename: linkedlist.c * * Author: Sue Bogar * * Date Written: 11/17/98 * * Section: 101 * * EMail: * * * * Description: This file contains the functions * * necessary to work with a linked list. * * This set of functions provide the operations * * needed including creation of a node, insertion,* * deletion, determining if a list is empty and * * the printing of the list. * \************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "linkedlist.h" /************************************** ** Function: CreateNode ** Input: none ** Output: memory for a node is malloced ** and a pointer (nodePtr) to the memory ** is returned to the user ** Note: ** CreateNode initializes the members ** CreateNode exits if there is insufficient ** memory **************************************/ NODEPTR CreateNode (void) { NODEPTR newNode; /* Get the space needed for the node */ newNode = (NODEPTR) malloc (sizeof(NODE)); if (newNode == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Out of Memory - CreateNode\n"); exit (-1); } /* Initialize the members */ newNode -> data = 0; newNode -> next = NULL; return newNode; } /************************************** ** Function: SetData ** Input: a pointer to a node (NODEPTR), and ** the value to be placed into the node ** Output: the data member of the node pointed to is ** populated with the value passed in. ** **************************************/ void SetData (NODEPTR temp, int value) { temp -> data = value; } /************************************** * Function: Insert * Input: a pointer to a pointer to the head of the * linked list (headPtr) * a pointer to the node (NODEPTR) to be * inserted * Output: the node is inserted at the end of the * linked list * there is no return value **************************************/ void Insert (NODEPTR* headPtr, NODEPTR temp) { NODEPTR prev, curr; if ( IsEmpty (*headPtr)) { *headPtr = temp; } else { prev = NULL; curr = *headPtr; /* traverse the list until the end */ while (curr != NULL) { prev = curr; curr = curr -> next; } /* insert the node, temp, at the end */ prev -> next = temp; } } /************************************** * Function: Delete * Input: a pointer to a pointer to the head * (headPtr) of the linked list * an integer (target) containing the value * of the data in the node to be deleted * Output: if found, the first node with the corresponding * value (target) is deleted from the * linked list * if the node is deleted, the value found * in the deleted node (NOT target) is * returned * if no node is deleted, an error is * printed and -1 is returned **************************************/ int Delete (NODEPTR* headPtr, int target) { int value; NODEPTR temp, prev, curr; if (IsEmpty (*headPtr)) { printf ("Can't delete from an empty list\n"); return (-1); } /* if the target value is the first in the list, move head */ else if (target == (*headPtr) -> data) { temp = *headPtr; value = (*headPtr) -> data; *headPtr = (*headPtr) -> next; free (temp); return (value); } /* traverse the list until the target value is found */ else { prev = *headPtr; curr = (*headPtr) -> next; while (curr != NULL && curr -> data != target) { prev = curr; curr = curr -> next; } if(curr != NULL) { /* delete the node the contains the target value */ temp = curr; prev -> next = curr -> next; value = curr -> data; free(temp); return (value); } else { printf("%d was not in the list\n", target); return (-1); } } } /************************************** * Function: IsEmpty * Input: a pointer to the head of the linked list * Output: returns 1 (true) if the list is empty * returns 0 (false) if the list is not empty *********************************************/ int IsEmpty (NODEPTR head) { /* If the pointer to the list is NULL then there is no list. The list is empty, so we return true. */ return (head == NULL); } /************************************** * Function: PrintList * Input: a pointer to the head of the list * Ouput: each node in the list is printed according * to the format specified in this code **************************************/ void PrintList (NODEPTR head) { NODEPTR curr; if (IsEmpty (head)) { printf ("The list is empty\n"); } else { /* set the current pointer to the first ** node of the list */ curr = head; /* Until the end of the list */ while (curr != NULL) { /* print the current data item */ printf("%d ", curr -> data); /* move to the next node */ curr = curr -> next; } printf ("\n"); } }

The Driver

/****************************************** * Author: Sue Bogar * Date: 11/17/98 * Section: 101 * Email: * * Description: a driver for testing linked list code *******************************************. #include <stdio.h> #include "linkedlist.h" int main () { int num, value; NODEPTR head, temp; head = NULL; temp = CreateNode(); printf ("\nEnter the value of data : "); scanf ("%d", &value); SetData (temp, value); Insert (&head, temp); PrintList (head); temp = CreateNode(); printf ("\nEnter the value of data : "); scanf ("%d", &value); SetData (temp, value); Insert (&head, temp); PrintList (head); temp = CreateNode(); printf ("\nEnter the value of data : "); scanf ("%d", &value); SetData (temp, value); Insert (&head, temp); PrintList (head); printf("\nEnter a value to be deleted :"); scanf ("%d", &num); value = Delete(&head, num); printf("The value %d was returned\n", value); PrintList (head); printf("\nEnter a value to be deleted :"); scanf ("%d", &num); value = Delete(&head, num); printf("The value %d was returned\n", value); PrintList (head); printf("\nEnter a value to be deleted :"); scanf ("%d", &num); value = Delete(&head, num); printf("The value %d was returned\n", value); PrintList (head); printf("\nEnter a value to be deleted :"); scanf ("%d", &num); value = Delete(&head, num); printf("The value %d was returned\n", value); PrintList (head); printf("\nEnter a value to be deleted :"); scanf ("%d", &num); value = Delete(&head, num); printf("The value %d was returned\n", value); PrintList (head); return 0; }

The Output

Enter the value of data : 6 6 Enter the value of data : 9 6 9 Enter the value of data : 3 6 9 3 Enter a value to be deleted :9 The value 9 was returned 6 3 Enter a value to be deleted :3 The value 3 was returned 6 Enter a value to be deleted :8 8 was not in the list The value -1 was returned 6 Enter a value to be deleted :6 The value 6 was returned The list is empty Enter a value to be deleted :5 Can't delete from an empty list The value -1 was returned The list is empty

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Tuesday, 27-Sep-2005 08:16:39 EDT