Methods that include the word static in their declaration are called static methods.  The purpose of a static method is to accomplish one well-defined task, allowing someone to call that method without having to deal with all of the details of how that task is accomplished.  Static methods used in a program don't have to be in the same class.  If a static method is in the same class as the program that is using it, a call to that method just includes the name of the method, parentheses, and any arguments that are needed.  For example, if this method is in a class:
public static void printMsg(String msg) {
and you want to use that method to print a message somewhere else in that class, it would look like this:
printMsg("The number is prime");
    We've already seen, however, cases where we call static methods that are not in the same class.  One example:
num = Stdin.readInt();
    The name of the method being called in that statement is readInt().  That method is in a class called Stdin.  The Stdin class is in the file hsa.jar that we have included in our projects.  If you are writing a program in a class called NumberProgram (in a file called, and you have the printMsg() method in another class called Primes (the code for which is in a file called, you can call the printMsg() method in the Primes class like this:
Primes.printMsg("The number is prime");
    The only difference is before the name of the method, there is the name of the class that contains that method (Primes), and a dot.  This will work as long as the Primes class is in the same package as the class that wants to call its methods.  This is not the case for the Stdin class, which is why any class that calls methods in the Stdin class has to have this line at the beginning of the file:
import hsa.Stdin;
    The name of the package that includes the Stdin class is hsa, and it includes a number of classes that come with our textbook, Java for AP Computer Science.  That package is inside of a compressed archived named hsa.jar.  Java code is generally organized this way.  You can put multiple methods that perform related tasks into one class, which does not even need to include a main() method (which would make it a program).  A class with nothing but static methods that are meant to be called from other programs is called a utility class.  Since calls to static methods begin with the name of the class that contains them, static methods are also called class methods.
    Static, or class methods are not the only kind of methods that are used in Java.  Classes in Java can be one of three types.  Java applications are classes that have a main() method.  Utility classes are classes with static methods, but no main() method.  Classes are also used to define object data types.  To define a data type, a class has to provide a name for the data type (which is the name of the class), provide a way of creating objects of that data type, and define the operations that can be performed on objects that have that data type.
    One object data type that is built into Java is the String data type.  It is defined in a class called String.  Every String object you create in a program (whether it's a literal or stored in a variable) is called an instance (- an object that exists when a program is running whose data type was defined by a class) of the String class.  In general, every object is an instance of the class that defined its data type.  Those classes define the operations that can be performed on instances by providing a method for each operation.  Those methods are not static, and are not called by giving the name of the class.  Instead, the call to these methods starts with an instance of the class (then followed by a dot the name of the method, as before).  The methods, when called, are said to be called on the object, or instance, that comes before the dot.  Because of this, this type of method is called an instance method.
    Remember that the operators that are used with primitive data types (+, -, ==, !=, >, <, etc) cannot be used with objects (with the exception of the + operator for Strings), which is why methods have to be provided to define operations.  For example, if you wanted to determine whether two ints have the same value, you can do this:
int x, y;
x = 3;
y = 4;
if (x == y)
    where x == y is a boolean expression that will be true if x and y have the same value, and false if not.  For Strings, you would have to do this instead:
String x, y;
x = "Hello";
y = "there";
if (x.equals(y))
    where x.equals(y) is a boolean expression that will be true if Strings x and y contain the same sequence of characters.  That method call as an expression has a boolean value, because the equals() method in the String class returns a boolean.  Notice that the method is called on an instance of the String class (x) rather than the String class itself.  The full declaration for the method looks like this:
public boolean equals(Object anObject)
    and you can tell it is an instance method because the declaration does not have the word static.      You can also see the difference in the Javadoc for the String class which shows this for the equals() method in the Method Summary:
boolean equals(Object anObject)
          Compares this string to the specified object.

    which you can contrast to the documentation for the class method prime() from the Primes class:
static boolean prime(int number)
          Determines if a number is prime
    which shows that prime() is a static method.
    The data type for the argument to String's equals() method is Object, which means that the equals() method will accept any object as an argument, no matter what class the object is an instance of.  The only data types the argument cannot be are primitive data types.

data member (field)

name refers to object
anonymous object
static vs dynamic memory allocation
garbage collection