    Ask the user for a number of minutes.  Tell them how many hours and minutes that is in time format (ex: 183 minutes = 3:03)


    Ask the user for car model numbers.  If the number is 119, 179, 189-195, 221, or 780 tell them the car is defective and needs to be brought in for repairs.  Otherwise tell them the car is OK.  If they enter 0 the program should exit.

Sum of Digits
    Ask the user for an integer, tell them what the sum of the digits of the number is.

Bank Account
    Ask the user for an initial deposit, an interest rate, and a desired balance.  Tell them how many years it would take to reach their desired balance using that interest rate, compounded anually.

    Ask the user for a number to start with.  Create a sequence where each new number in the sequence depends on the last one.  If the last one was even, divide it by 2 to get the next one.  If the last one was odd, multiply it by 3 and then add 1 to get the next one.  If you were to continue this forever, eventually the numbers 4, 2, and 1 would repeat forever.  The sequence should end with 4, 2, and 1.  Also, say how many steps it took to complete the sequence.
Ex: 23
15 steps

    Ask the user for two one-digit numbers.  Create a sequence where each new number in the sequence is the ones digit of the sum of the last two numbers in the sequence.  The sequence ends when the first two digits are repeated.  Also, say how many steps it took to complete the sequence.  Ex: numbers 1 and 8
1 8 9 7 6 3 9 2 1 3 4 7 1 8
12 steps

    Perform the necklace problem for every possible set of starting one-digit numbers.

Sum of numbers in a range
    Ask the user for two numbers, then print out the sum of all of the numbers between the two given (inclusive).

Sum of even numbers in a range
    Ask the user for two numbers, then print out the sum of all of the even numbers between the two given (inclusive).

    Ask the user how many grades they want to enter.  Then, ask for each grade one at a time.  Don't count grades given that are not in the range of 0 to 100 (inclusive).  At the end, print out how many were passing grades ( >= 60% ) and how many were failing ( < 59% ).

    Ask the user for a non-negative integer.  If they give a negative number, tell them that the factorial of a negative number cannot be computed, and ask again for a number.  Once a valid number is obtained, the factorial should be calculated and printed.  The factorial of 0 is 1.  For a positive integer, it is the product of  all of the numbers between one and the number (inclusive).

Prime loop
    Ask the user for numbers (until they enter zero), telling them whether each number is prime or not.

Primes in a range
    Ask the user for two numbers, and print out every number between the two given (inclusive) that is prime.

Prime factors
    Ask the user for numbers, printing out all of the prime factors of each number (or "no prime factors") until the user enters zero.

Hint, this is what the code should do:
Initialize a counter at 2
As long as the counter is less than or equal to half of the number...
If the counter divides evenly into the number, print out the counter and divide the number by the counter to get a new number
Otherwise, increment the counter

    Ask the user for a number, and print out the following 4 patterns (the number determining the height and width of each).  Ex: 3


