Marine Biology Simulation


Information on compiling and running the Marine Biology Simulation using JCreator:

Gary and Maria Litvin have provided instructions for downloading and using JCreator Learning Edition Version 2 (JCreator LE) and for using it with the Marine Biology Simulation case study at their web site:

You will want to create a project for the Marine Biology Simulation program and add all the java files in the Code directory to it using "Add Files..." You will also need to set up your "classpath" to find the jar files containing the black box and graphical user interface classes. The Litvins' site provides instructions for setting up a classpath.

When you run the simulation program, you will be prompted for the class that contains the main, starting method. You have three choices:

    MBSGUI            program with full graphical user interface
                        (from beginning of Chapter 1)
    SimpleMBSDemo1    simple demo program (end of Chapter 1)
    SimpleMBSDemo2    second demo program (end of Chapter 1)

When you go to open an environment data file, the file chooser will come up in the folder where the program is running. You will need to go up to the JavaMBS folder and then down to the DataFiles folder to find the initial configuration files.

For Chapter 3 (and later chapters), if you are using the file from the DynamicPopulation folder rather than modifying the file in the Code folder (see FishModsForChap3.txt in the Code folder for more details), include that file in your project rather than the version in the Code folder.

Another alternative is to create separate projects within a single workspace for the three different main classes and for a version of the full program that uses the Fish class from the DynamicPopulation folder. Again, the Litvins' web site has more information about projects and workspaces.