// AP(r) Computer Science Marine Biology Simulation: // The Fish class is copyright(c) 2002 College Entrance // Examination Board (www.collegeboard.com). // // This class is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation. // // This class is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; /** * AP® Computer Science Marine Biology Simulation:
* A Fish object represents a fish in the Marine Biology * Simulation. Each fish has a unique ID, which remains constant * throughout its life. A fish also maintains information about its * location and direction in the environment. * *

* Modification History: * - Modified to support a dynamic population in the environment: * fish can now breed and die. * *

* The Fish class is * copyright© 2002 College Entrance Examination Board * (www.collegeboard.com). * * @author Alyce Brady * @author APCS Development Committee * @version 1 July 2002 * @see Environment * @see Direction * @see Location **/ public class Fish implements Locatable { // Class Variable: Shared among ALL fish private static int nextAvailableID = 1; // next avail unique identifier // Instance Variables: Encapsulated data for EACH fish private Environment theEnv; // environment in which the fish lives private int myId; // unique ID for this fish private Location myLoc; // fish's location private Direction myDir; // fish's direction private Color myColor; // fish's color // THE FOLLOWING TWO INSTANCE VARIABLES ARE NEW IN CHAPTER 3 !!! private double probOfBreeding; // defines likelihood in each timestep private double probOfDying; // defines likelihood in each timestep // constructors and related helper methods /** Constructs a fish at the specified location in a given environment. * The Fish is assigned a random direction and random color. * (Precondition: parameters are non-null; loc is valid * for env.) * @param env environment in which fish will live * @param loc location of the new fish in env **/ public Fish(Environment env, Location loc) { initialize(env, loc, env.randomDirection(), randomColor()); } /** Constructs a fish at the specified location and direction in a * given environment. The Fish is assigned a random color. * (Precondition: parameters are non-null; loc is valid * for env.) * @param env environment in which fish will live * @param loc location of the new fish in env * @param dir direction the new fish is facing **/ public Fish(Environment env, Location loc, Direction dir) { initialize(env, loc, dir, randomColor()); } /** Constructs a fish of the specified color at the specified location * and direction. * (Precondition: parameters are non-null; loc is valid * for env.) * @param env environment in which fish will live * @param loc location of the new fish in env * @param dir direction the new fish is facing * @param col color of the new fish **/ public Fish(Environment env, Location loc, Direction dir, Color col) { initialize(env, loc, dir, col); } /** Initializes the state of this fish. * (Precondition: parameters are non-null; loc is valid * for env.) * @param env environment in which this fish will live * @param loc location of this fish in env * @param dir direction this fish is facing * @param col color of this fish **/ private void initialize(Environment env, Location loc, Direction dir, Color col) { theEnv = env; myId = nextAvailableID; nextAvailableID++; myLoc = loc; myDir = dir; myColor = col; theEnv.add(this); // object is at location myLoc in environment // THE FOLLOWING CODE IS NEW IN CHAPTER 3 !!! // For now, every fish is equally likely to breed or die in any given // timestep, although this could be individualized for each fish. probOfBreeding = 1.0/7.0; // 1 in 7 chance in each timestep probOfDying = 1.0/5.0; // 1 in 5 chance in each timestep } /** Generates a random color. * @return the new random color **/ protected Color randomColor() { // There are 256 possibilities for the red, green, and blue attributes // of a color. Generate random values for each color attribute. Random randNumGen = RandNumGenerator.getInstance(); return new Color(randNumGen.nextInt(256), // amount of red randNumGen.nextInt(256), // amount of green randNumGen.nextInt(256)); // amount of blue } // accessor methods /** Returns this fish's ID. * @return the unique ID for this fish **/ public int id() { return myId; } /** Returns this fish's environment. * @return the environment in which this fish lives **/ public Environment environment() { return theEnv; } /** Returns this fish's color. * @return the color of this fish **/ public Color color() { return myColor; } /** Returns this fish's location. * @return the location of this fish in the environment **/ public Location location() { return myLoc; } /** Returns this fish's direction. * @return the direction in which this fish is facing **/ public Direction direction() { return myDir; } /** Checks whether this fish is in an environment. * @return true if the fish is in the environment * (and at the correct location); false otherwise **/ public boolean isInEnv() { return environment().objectAt(location()) == this; } /** Returns a string representing key information about this fish. * @return a string indicating the fish's ID, location, and direction **/ public String toString() { return id() + location().toString() + direction().toString(); } // modifier method // THE FOLLOWING METHOD IS MODIFIED FOR CHAPTER 3 !!! // (was originally a check for aliveness and a simple call to move) /** Acts for one step in the simulation. **/ public void act() { // Make sure fish is alive and well in the environment -- fish // that have been removed from the environment shouldn't act. if ( ! isInEnv() ) return; // Try to breed. if ( ! breed() ) // Did not breed, so try to move. move(); // Determine whether this fish will die in this timestep. Random randNumGen = RandNumGenerator.getInstance(); if ( randNumGen.nextDouble() < probOfDying ) die(); } // internal helper methods // THE FOLLOWING METHOD IS NEW FOR CHAPTER 3 !!! /** Attempts to breed into neighboring locations. * @return true if fish successfully breeds; * false otherwise **/ protected boolean breed() { // Determine whether this fish will try to breed in this // timestep. If not, return immediately. Random randNumGen = RandNumGenerator.getInstance(); if ( randNumGen.nextDouble() >= probOfBreeding ) return false; // Get list of neighboring empty locations. ArrayList emptyNbrs = emptyNeighbors(); Debug.print("Fish " + toString() + " attempting to breed. "); Debug.println("Has neighboring locations: " + emptyNbrs.toString()); // If there is nowhere to breed, then we're done. if ( emptyNbrs.size() == 0 ) { Debug.println(" Did not breed."); return false; } // Breed to all of the empty neighboring locations. for ( int index = 0; index < emptyNbrs.size(); index++ ) { Location loc = (Location) emptyNbrs.get(index); generateChild(loc); } return true; } // THE FOLLOWING METHOD IS NEW FOR CHAPTER 3 !!! /** Creates a new fish with the color of its parent. * @param loc location of the new fish **/ protected void generateChild(Location loc) { // Create new fish, which adds itself to the environment. Fish child = new Fish(environment(), loc, environment().randomDirection(), color()); Debug.println(" New Fish created: " + child.toString()); } /** Moves this fish in its environment. **/ protected void move() { // Find a location to move to. Debug.print("Fish " + toString() + " attempting to move. "); Location nextLoc = nextLocation(); // If the next location is different, move there. if ( ! nextLoc.equals(location()) ) { // Move to new location. Location oldLoc = location(); changeLocation(nextLoc); // Update direction in case fish had to turn to move. Direction newDir = environment().getDirection(oldLoc, nextLoc); changeDirection(newDir); Debug.println(" Moves to " + location() + direction()); } else Debug.println(" Does not move."); } /** Finds this fish's next location. * A fish may move to any empty adjacent locations except the one * behind it (fish do not move backwards). If this fish cannot * move, nextLocation returns its current location. * @return the next location for this fish **/ protected Location nextLocation() { // Get list of neighboring empty locations. ArrayList emptyNbrs = emptyNeighbors(); // Remove the location behind, since fish do not move backwards. Direction oppositeDir = direction().reverse(); Location locationBehind = environment().getNeighbor(location(), oppositeDir); emptyNbrs.remove(locationBehind); Debug.print("Possible new locations are: " + emptyNbrs.toString()); // If there are no valid empty neighboring locations, then we're done. if ( emptyNbrs.size() == 0 ) return location(); // Return a randomly chosen neighboring empty location. Random randNumGen = RandNumGenerator.getInstance(); int randNum = randNumGen.nextInt(emptyNbrs.size()); return (Location) emptyNbrs.get(randNum); } /** Finds empty locations adjacent to this fish. * @return an ArrayList containing neighboring empty locations **/ protected ArrayList emptyNeighbors() { // Get all the neighbors of this fish, empty or not. ArrayList nbrs = environment().neighborsOf(location()); // Figure out which neighbors are empty and add those to a new list. ArrayList emptyNbrs = new ArrayList(); for ( int index = 0; index < nbrs.size(); index++ ) { Location loc = (Location) nbrs.get(index); if ( environment().isEmpty(loc) ) emptyNbrs.add(loc); } return emptyNbrs; } /** Modifies this fish's location and notifies the environment. * @param newLoc new location value **/ protected void changeLocation(Location newLoc) { // Change location and notify the environment. Location oldLoc = location(); myLoc = newLoc; environment().recordMove(this, oldLoc); // object is again at location myLoc in environment } /** Modifies this fish's direction. * @param newDir new direction value **/ protected void changeDirection(Direction newDir) { // Change direction. myDir = newDir; } // THE FOLLOWING METHOD IS NEW FOR CHAPTER 3 !!! /** Removes this fish from the environment. **/ protected void die() { Debug.println(toString() + " about to die."); environment().remove(this); } }