
We will have an in-class midterm exam in mid-September and a final during the regularly scheduled final time.

Midterm exam

Final exam

Links to old final exams can be found here.
The midterm covered the material through gamne theory, so the final
will start with knowledge representation and propositional logic.
Below is a high-level list of the things that we covered that you
should study for the final.


Entailment, models, soundness, completeness

Propositional logic
  - syntax
  - implication
  - rules of inference
  - resolution proofs
  - Horn clauses
  - advantages of disadvantages of this representation

First order logic
  - quantifiers
  - predicates
  - English to FoL and FoL to English
  - inference
  - generalized modus ponenes
  - converting to CNF
  - resolution refutation


Planning as search
  - state space
  - plan space

  - planning operators
  - algorithm
  - goal interaction (Sussman's anomaly)
  - partial order planning


Bayes' rule
Using the joint distribution
Reasoning from symptoms to causes via Bayes' rule
Bayes nets
  - structure (DAG)
  - parameterts (conditional probability tables)

Decision trees

The setup: (x, y), supervised learning, y is categorical
Structure of a tree
How to learn a tree from data


The setup: (x, y), y is real
Simple linear regression
Polynomial regression trick

Support vector machines

Classifier: +1, -1 class labels
Weight vector w
Predict sign of w.x (dot product)
Maximum margin separator
Non-linearity through kernels